Headway 53

OK, everybody.
As from today we’re going to keep this place clean and tidy.
What’s the sheet of paper for?
I can guess.
It’s a rota for all the jobs around the house.
So this week, Jane, you’re cleaning the kitchen…
…and cooking at the weekend.
Ну хорошо, слушайте все.
Начиная с сегодняшнего дня мы будем содержать это место в чистоте и порядке.
Для чего это лист бумаги?
Я могу догадаться.
Это распорядок для всех работ по дому.
Итак, на этой неделе, Джейн, ты убираешь кухню …
… и готовишь еду по выходным.
David is doing the washing up and on Friday he’s doing the shopping.
Matt’s cleaning the bathroom and cooking Monday to Wednesday.
And I’m cleaning the Iiving room and cooking on Thursday and Friday.
Has everybody got that?
— Yes.
— Yep.
Дэвид моет (посуду) и по пятницам делает покупки.
Мэтт убирается в ванной и готовит с понедельника по среду.
А я убираю гостиную и готовлю в четверг и пятницу.
Все поняли?
— Да.
— Да.

Verb + preposition (1)

Посмотрите на список конструкций глагол + предлог:

apologise (TO someone) FOR something:

— When I realised I was wrong, I apologised to him for my mistake.

apply FOR a job/a place at university и т.д.:

— I think this job would suit you. Why don’t you apply for it?

believe IN something:

— Do you believe in God? (= Do you believe that God exists?)

— I believe in saying what I think.

(= I believe that it is a good thing to say what I think.)

belong TO someone:

— Who does this coat belong to?

care ABOUT someone/something

(= think someone/something is important):

— He is very selfish. He doesn’t care about other people.

care FOR someone/something:

= like something (обычно в вопросах и отрицательных предложениях):

— Would you care for a cup of coffee? (= Would you like …?)

— I don’t care for hot weather. (= I don’t like …)

= look after someone:

— She is very old. She needs someone to care for her.

take care OF someone/something (= look after):

— Have a nice holiday. Take care of yourself!

collide WITH someone/something:

— There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.

complain (TO someone) ABOUT someone/something:

— We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.

concentrate ON something:

— Don’t look out of the window. Concentrate on your work!

consist OF something:

— We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.

crash/drive/bump/run INTO someone/something:

— He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.

depend ON someone/something:

— `What time will you arrive?’ `I don’t know. It depends on the traffic.’

Можно опускать on перед вопросительными словами (when/where/how и т.д.):

— `Are you going to buy it?’ `It depends (on) how much it is.’

die OF an illness:

— `What did he die of?’ `A heart attack.’

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