a) Экзамены — Lou, have you begun studying for the Graduate Record Exam? — No, but I really need to. Do you think I should sign up for…

a) Учимся готовить — Christie, what are you doing? Don’t you know that if water is added to hot oil, it can catch on fire? — Really? I…

a) Аллергия на пшеницу — Sarah, would you like some pizza? — No thanks. I can’t eat pizza, actually. I have an allergy to wheat. If I eat…

a) Маскарадный костюм — When will you bring that mask home? — I’ll bring it home tomorrow, I promise. — What about the wings I left at your…

a) Холм — If you run to the top of that hill you can see the whole city! Likewise, if you are in the city and someone is…

a) Дети — How many children do David and Sarah have? — They have three kids already, and they have another on the way! — Oh, really? When…

a) Вечер пятницы — Max, what are you doing? Want to go out tonight? — I am writing the last part of this business report. — But it’s…

a) Туфли в подарок — Shelly, what size shoes do you wear? — Size 7. Why are you asking? — Well, I got you a present, but now…

a) Билеты на самолёт — Sarah, how come you haven’t bought the plane tickets yet? — I wasn’t sure which tickets to get. They are so expensive. —…

a) Скоро каникулы — Jane, what do you think I should do over winter break? Should I go home to see my parents, or should I stay at…